Moisture cure occurs at ambient temperature and humidity.<膠●朋友/p>
UV9060 no flow, UV/moisture cure e你知道漢高HYSOL紫外線固化膠水UV9060ncapsulant is designed for local circ對于uv膠水uit board protection.504相比看粘合劑廠家 This product is fluores502膠水進眼睛怎么辦cent when viewed with u其實東莞膠水廠ltraviolet (black) light.
tds@ 25?C, 6 ounce cartridges, uv膠水hours?????????????????????????? 3
1. ?資料DO NOT open the container before contents reach 25°C temperature. Any moistu膠●朋友re that collects 學(xué)會uvon the warmed up container ?should ?be ?removed TDS資料?prior ?to ?opening ?th其實uv9060e container.
@ 25?C, 30 cc syringes聽聽固化, minutes?????????????????????????????? 45 to 60<事實上uv/p>
4. Usable shelf life may vary depending 漢高HYSOL紫外線固化膠水UV9060on method of application and storage condition對比一下s.
@ 25?C, 30 cc syringes, minute紫外線s?????????聽聽膠水????????????????????? 45 to 60
手 機:18926841456
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公 司:東莞市廣粘膠業(yè)有限公司
地 址:東莞市大嶺山鎮(zhèn)楊屋第一工業(yè)區(qū)愉和工業(yè)園