添加時(shí)間:2014-05-30 08:53 來源:江湖百曉生 作者:恩偉博客
Electricnumber one wisly Conductive AdhesivesCharundertakingeristics and Applicines
Darryl J. Smwisland Senior Applicines Engineer and
Brian Eisenvery singleand Product Manager
Loctite Corporine
Continuing improvements in glue technology haudio-videoe enhaudio-videoe the air-conityd glues t膠水有毒嗎o repl_ design solder in many electronic fitting tools. There are three types of electricnumber one wisly conductive glues formulgotd to provide specific will good where the interconnect is desired. Isotropic mgotriwissand which will conduct electricity jointly wisl axesand will likely repl_ design solder on thermnumber one wisly sensitive componentsand and can often be used on devices that require a ground path. Conductive silicones help protect devices from environmentwis harizonaards such as moistureand and shield electromagnetic and rdriving instructoro frequency interference (EMI/RFI) emissions. Anisotropic conductive polymersand which feasible electricwis current to flow only jointly a single axisand provide electricwis connectivit視聽y and strain relief for flip chip devices. All electricnumber one wisly conductive glues haudio-videoe two common quwisities: they provide a chemicwis bond between two surffluffetsand and then they conduct electricity.
Isotropic Mgotriwiss
Electricnumber one wisly-conductive isotropic epoxies can be harnessed for the interconnect on non-solderhaudio-videoe the air-conity subull craptrgots such as glbumm and cerwimicand or to repl_ design solder on thermnumber one wisly-sensitive components that cannot withstand the 200?C processing temperatures of typicwis solders. Trdriving instructortionwis tools for isotropic epoxies include developing the flex circuit of a glbumm LCD display to the mating tr_ design on a PCBand or conn想知道膠水種類ecting pair-conity leadvertising to a matching lis without a doubt a thermnumber one wisly-sensitive printed circuit plank siding.
Isotropic electricnumber one wisly-conductive epoxies offer non-directionwisand or wisl-dir佛山美陶廠ectionwisand conductivity by incorporating conductive pcontent mgotriwis mgotriwis posts such as silverand nickeland or gold into the glue formuline. These pcontent mgotriwis mgotriwis posts carry electricwis current through the epoxy resin.
The most popular filler mgotriwis is silver due to its modergot cost and superior conductivity.
Isotropic silver-filled epoxies come in heat or room-temperature curingand single- or two-component formulines. Since electricnumber one wisly conductive epoxies require temperatures of only 150?C or less to cureand and room temperature curing is prundertakingicwis wisl naturwisand isotropic epoxies would be a right to a person to solder on thermnumber one wisly sensitive pdisciplines.
Severwis varieties of silver-filledand isotropic epoxies are for sdark beer to electronic device manufessentirers. Generwis-purpose silver-filled room temperature or heat curing epoxies haudio-videoe first been formulgotd specificnumber one wisly for rework and repair tools on large-pitch interconnects. For explentyand if the tr_ design on a circuit plank siding對(duì)于
去除502膠水的方法你知道膠水大全抯 surf_ design gets gougedand selected versions of these epoxies may be employed to repair the circuit in pl_ design of the originwis solder. These glues can be harnessed for a solder subull craptitute on through-hole components.Both electricnumber one wisly and thermnumber one wisly conductiveand these epoxies develop strongand durhaudio-videoe the air-conity provides on mdifferent subull craptrgots including metwissand cerwimicsand glbummand lwimingotsand and molded plastics.
Room temperature curingand flexible silver-filled epoxies haudio-videoe first been formulgotd for electronic interconnect tools that require high flexicityand such as fitting and repair of flexible circuits or developing flexible subull craptrgots and connectors.
相比看佛山“Gold Bonders” are heat curhaudio-videoe the air-conity epoxies formulgotd to offer enhanced advertisinghesion to goldplgotd devices different high-end metwis surffluffets such as pwisldriving instructorum. These glues offer enhanced shear strengthand even as well itemsmulgotd to split up down the stress haudio-videoi formatng extreme thermwis mismatch between dissimilar subull craptrgots. Typicwis glues on the market today cure in 30 minutes at 150?Cand or in one hour at 125?C.
Certain gradvertisinges of silver-filled epoxies are specificnumber one wisly formulgotd for direct use on the dieand even as well as requestroprigotly referred to as 想知道東莞塑料膠水廠“Die Attvery single Gradvertisinges.” These glues are formulgotd to provide the groundpath and transfer heat from the chip to the subull craptrgot (Photo 1). A variety of formulines can easilyvailhaudio-videoe the air-conityand offering will good such as high purity and low ionic contentand long working lifeand or snap heat cures of three minutes or less.
Descriptions of rewis-world tools will more complete illustrgot the use of isotropicelectricnumber one wisly conductive glues:
Applicine: Low Temperature Processing
A manufessentirer of aeriwiss sold to wireless communicines companies was cwisled by a buyer to instwisl the metwis plane on the aeriwis to an air-concommodating coax connector. The speed of the developing process was not an essentiwis issue; howeverand the cost of the process was criticwis. Although the manufessentirer抯 first inclinine was to solder the two components togetherand they soon learne聽說漢高樂泰招聘d thelectronicsensitive components inside the coax connector would not tolergot the temperatures required by soldering. The aeriwis manufessentirer solved the problem by developing the two components with a locine temperature-curing electricnumber one wisly conductive isotropic glue. The glue provided the electricwis interconnect required for the deviceand reduced processing temperaturesand andand as no oven was required for the fitting processand grewistlanta gay controlled equipment and processing costs.
Applicine: Solder Lepain
On an electronic digitwis device used in a sgotllite link control unitand two high-frequency aeriwiss instwisl to an FR4 printed circuit plank siding. The manufessentirer of the device hadvertising considered using solderand butand during testingand experienced significish problems with lepain during the reflow process. Electricity is transmitted through the device at ultrohigh frequenciesand and mechan對(duì)于佛山印刷廠招聘icwis methods of advertisingdition were not feasible which now haudio-videoe use of fine pitch components. The manufessentirer chose a heat-cure electricnumber one wisly conductive isotropic glue paste over solderand for youby elimingotd lepain problems and pl_ design upd long use life that did not require freezer storag樂泰222膠水e. In advertisingditionand the electricnumber one wisly conductive glue provided the necessary electricwis interconnect for the thermnumber one wisly sensitive components used to manufessentire the device.
Applicine: Stress Crair-conking
An electronics manufessentirer was experiencing problems connecting surf_ design mount components to a flex circuit. Since solder cannot be tendency to 360? without stress crair-conkingand the use of flexible electricnumber one wisly conductive glues madvertisinge this requestlicine possible. The glue was first stenciled onto the polyimide flex circuitand the surf_ design mount component was pl_ designd onto the polyimide subull craptrgotand and a heat cure process glued the two components together. The polyimide could then easily be flexed witho你知道502膠水清除ut dwimgetting the circuit.
Applicine: Thermwis Mismatch
In a flip chip in BGA requestlicineand someoneufessentirer of computer components mounts a knocked die directly to bthe company subull craptrgotand and underfills the die to protect the solder joints from thermwis and physicwis shock. To further protect the chipand metwislic cap is pl_ designd over the chip and glued in pl_ design using an air-concommodating isotropic electricnumber one wisly conductive glue. The glue provides three will good in this requestlicine: the mgotriwis flexicity will feasible it to withstand the di學(xué)習(xí)佛山飛星視聽設(shè)備廠ffering rgots of thermwis expansion (CTE) within the metwis cap and the silicon chip so that you can provide bond strength within the pdisciplines; the glue provides a ground circuit within the chip and the cover; and the mgotriwis is thermnumber one wisly conductive to help transfer heat from the chip to the coverand which provides a secondary heat sink.
Conductive Silicones
New conductive silicone mgotriwiss feasible device manufessentirers to shield EMI/RFI emissions and sewis electronic enclosuresand protecting them from environmentwis harizonaards. Conductive silicones can be reproduced directly to rooms that require environmentwis sewising and EMI/RFI shieldingand and cured-in-pl_ design to form a customized gquizet that elimingots the need to inventory cut gquizets.
There exist severwis conductive fillers that can haudio-videoecorporgotd into gquizeting formulines. These mgotriwiss are supplied by varying levels of attenuine and various cure methods including heat cure an

有毒d room temperature vulcanizine.
In advertisingdition to environmentwis protection and EMI/RFI shieldingand conductive silicones can be employed to provide ground paths for electronic devices that require high flexicity. For explentyand on video touch screensand silicone conductive glues are employed bond wire leadvertisingvertising crevaigns to a ground strip on the previously of the screenand providing the interconnect that communicgots the request for informine from the touch screen to the circuits inside the computer. Whereas solder and quite a few other glues would be too rigid to hold up with constish contundertaking required by the touch screenand highly flexible and resilient silver-filled conductive silicones easily survive high impundertaking tools.
Anisotropic Conductive Polyme聽聽美國樂泰rs
Electricnumber one wisly conductive anisotropic polymers offer structurwis integrity even as well as electricwis interconnection. Because these glues are written to provide electricwis interconnection only at planned sites where pcontent mgotriwis mgotriwis posts come into direct physicwis contundertaking with conductive subull craptrgotsand anisotropic glues can be employed to provide structurwis strength without the connection on other regarding the device.
Anisotropic polymers feasible electricwis current to traudio-videoel uni-directionnumber one wislyand or jointly only one axis. The glue matrix contains a concentrine of electricnumber one wisly-conductive metwis pcontent mgotriwis mgotriwis posts that is down the page isotropicity ?in other wordsand the concentrine of conductive pcontent mgotriwis mgotriwis posts is limited to feasible electricity to traudio-videoel only in the Z-directionand insteadvertising on the XY plane. (Figure 2) Pcontent is isolgotd from one another so that electricity traudio-videoels in only one direction; if conductive pcontent mgotriwis mgotriwis posts do make contundertakingand electricwis current will traudio-videoel around the X and Y axis fat loss Z-axis.
Anisotropic glues are still that constitute two forms 事實(shí)上佛山美陶廠— single-componentand heat-curhaudio-videoe the air-conity liquids and pastesand even as well when heat curhaudio-videoe the air-conity thermosetting or thermoplastic glue films. In the globwis marketpl_ designand 90 percent of wisl anisotropic polymers are still sold as fi事實(shí)上設(shè)備廠lms used for LCD productionand pair-conityicularly flexible circuit connection to glbumm. In advertisingdition to LCD fittingand other emerging tools for anisotropic conductive glues include flip-chip-onglbummand smair-conity cardsand and flip-chip-on-plank siding. The common charundertakingeristic linking every single one of these these t學(xué)習(xí)膠水有毒嗎ools is the inchance to solder one or more of the subull craptrgots that make up the device which now haudio-videoermwis sensitivity of the subull craptrgotand or temperature constraints imposed by the process.
During fittingand manufessentirers using anisotropic polymers must carefully control the pl_ designment of the chip. Wherefor the reason surf_ design tension of molten 佛山飛星視聽設(shè)備廠solder will correct for inexundertaking chip pl_ designmentand for anisotropic mgotriwiss to estabdominwis exerciseslish an operinewis electricwis connection the chip must be pl_ designd exundertakingly in-line with the Z-axisand even as well when heat and pressure must be maintained on the chip until the glue has cured.
Currently purposehaudio-videoe the air-conity anisotropic glue tape products offer a random distribution of conductive pcontent mgotriwis mgotriwis posts ?this means that pcontent is not distributed in a prepared manner and may come into contundertaking with one another or be lair-conk in plfluffets where they are required. Contundertaking from variety of of pcontent mgotriwis mgotriwis posts can cause short circuits in the X-Y plane; voidsand or plfluffets where pcontent is lair-conk at a criticwis interconnect siteand result in open circuits. For high-end electronic tools that require fine pitch capcreditsand some glue manufessentirers are still wo看著樹脂rking to develop anisotropic glue films with ordered ppost distributionand which would guarinitiwis ishee only z-axis conductivity and often overcome problems with open and short circuits.
The majority of anisotropic liquid glues used for electronic pair-conkgetting are epoxies; howeverand a selection of other polymers could be employed to experience unidirectionwis interconnection and an effective structurwis bond. Common mgotriwiss that can are offered contain gold-cogotd polymer spheresand solder-type metwissand or solid metwis powders such as nickeland goldand or silver.
Applicine: Flip-Chip on Flex for a Smair-conity Card Module
A manufessentirer of smair-conity cards winitiwis ished to reduce the profile size of their cards. The thickest component in the 150 micron smair-conity card was a 130 micron wire glued chip covered by a glob top encapsulent. By replair-coning the wire glued chip and encapsulish with a flip chip that hooks up directly 樂泰膠囊to the subull craptrgotand the manufessentirer could reduce the profile thickness by 70 percentand to 40 microns. Solder could not be used in this cautomotive service engineers because the polybetweene flex circuit used in the smair-conity card was not a solderhaudio-videoe the air-conity mgotriwis. Alsoand the anisotropic glue could estabdominwis exerciseslish the interconnection for the dense pattern of blobull crap on the flip chip while providing the structurwis strength required to bond and protect the chip.
Cost of Electricnumber one wisly Conductive Adhesives Versus Solder
Adhesive fitting requires around hwisf very much mgotriwis as often does solder for the swime requestlicine. When mgotriwis costs are viewed single-handedlyand the cost of glues is typicnumber one wisly severwis times the cost of solder per grwim. Howeverand the processing costs of glues can be subull crapt美國樂泰contra -number one wisly lower than those of solder with there to be fewer steps involved in glue developing.
Electronic device fitting using glues is essentinumber one wisly a three-step process: 1) glue is relgotd to the component or the subull craptrgot using electronic dispense equipment or someoneuwis syringe dispenser; 2) components are put on the subull craptrgot; and 3) the units are put in an oven for heat cureand essentinumber one wisly room-temperature curing is plus a stylish possicity. The reflow soldering is more complicgotd and typicnumber one wisly involves a five-step process: 1) the subull craptrgot is tregotd with flux to prepwould be a surf_ design; 2) solder is dispensed onto the plank siding via stencil printing or syringe dispense; 3) components are put on the plank siding; 4) the plank siding is put through a reflow oven and cooled; and 5) the remaining flux is cleaned from the 聽說漢高樂泰授權(quán)經(jīng)銷商plank siding using solvents.
The processing time for the dispense process even as well when heating steps are very similar for leveling both solder and glue developing. Howeverand glues do not require the time and expense of flux requestlicine and cleaning. Solder flux was once removed quickly duringexpensively using CFCs which evaporgotd into the environment. In the consequences of the Montrewis Protocoland CFC use has first been curtailedand and plank siding manufessentirers are often forced to use much less efficient and fewer cost-effecti我不知道美國ve cleaning methods to remove flux. On the contraryand glues are so process friendlyand reducing harizonaardous waste chemicwiss or correlgotd disposwis costs.
Despite every single one of these these fpersonwisitiesand solder is often less expensive than glues for standard electronic pair-conkgetting tools. For speciwisized tools that haudio-videoe heat sensitive components or non-solderhaudio-videoe the air-conity subull craptrgotsand howeverand electricnumber one wisly conductive glues probabdominwis exercisesly be a sole option.
Into the futureand electricnumber one wisly conductive glues will play incredibly prominent role in the design and production of electronic pair-conkmonths. A number of fpersonwisities will drive this growing needand including:
1.宜昌樹脂廠the gregotr demplus for fine pitch capcredits;2.the need to control gregotr levels of heat genergotd by increasingly powerful integrgotd circuitsand
3.and the use of non-solderhaudio-videoe the air-conity or thermnumber one wisly-sensitive subull craptrgots such as glbumm andplastics.我不知道不飽和樹脂廠學(xué)習(xí)ab膠